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Our Sales Department is here for you

“Sales” often sounds like procedures and processes that take place somewhere between marketing and production. But we at 4fastening have a fundamentally different view of our Sales Department. We maintain close contact with our clients and pursue the overriding goal: maximum client satisfaction through maximum client orientation.

Client satisfaction and delivery performance are constantly analysed and optimised at our Sales Department. We’re supported by reliable suppliers and logistics that go into action as soon as we accept, process and start fulfilling your order.

Why marketing and distribution are so important to us

“Thinking things through from the end” is an important motto for anyone who wants to optimise processes. At the end of the day, what matters isn’t the fact that we’ve sold you something, but that you’re 100 per cent happy with our offers and services.

Of course, this primarily means that our products and services should be precisely tailored to your needs. But we also consistently implement our sales strategy with a focus on your satisfaction as a client. As a subsidiary of the KAMAX Group, we also have a Development Department and a market leader at our side that we can rely on in every respect.

“Only if you are satisfied can we be satisfied too.”

Vedat Artik
Sales Manager

Sales as a support for your business

Clients who request our products and services want the best quality, high service commitment and fast and reliable order completion. One key advantage of working with us is that we take the time to understand your processes and workflows and support you with top-quality products and services.

So for us, sales also means listening, asking questions, a client-friendly approach and realising tailor-made solutions. Because we don’t want to simply make it easy for ourselves to sell you something: we want to make it easy for you to run your business successfully with the help of our products and services!

Sales as a guarantee of success

Success means responsibility – including our commitment to fulfil future objectives and quality assurances. To be able to offer you optimum services in the future as well, we regularly review our strategies and key figures. What goals have we been able to implement perfectly? Which phases can be further improved? What kind of feedback are we getting from our clients?

As a modern company, we rely on sound analysis, on automation and digitisation, and on measurable and verifiable methods. And yet, the most important source of success is and always will be your experience as a client. We’re only satisfied when you are.

It couldn’t be easier: submit orders and special requests online

As a specialist in high-strength connecting parts, we guarantee a Sales Department that responds to your special requests competently and pulls out all the stops to fulfil them at lightning speed. To make it even easier for you to send us your orders in the future, on the next page we provide a contact form that optionally allows you to upload your own design drawings.

We are also happy to take your requests and orders by phone as usual and to personally advise you on all 4fastening GmbH products and services.